Showing posts with label Summer 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer 2014. Show all posts

Gord Downie & The Sadies Album/Tour

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Hipheads! Here's the 411 on the upcoming Gord/Sadies album along with confirmed tour dates.


It's been a few years since The Grand Bounce, but Gord Downie is back and has a brand new album with The Sadies! Gord and The Sadies have been long-time friends so it was a natural collaboration to create the new album, "Gord Downie, The Sadies, And The Conquering Sun". 
After a long Canadian winter, Gord Downie, The Sadies, And The Conquering Sun are ready to take on spring and summer with a brand new album, live shows and T-shirts!

Gord Downie, The Sadies, And The Conquering Sun - Pre-Order Now! 
"It came together urgently but slowly, after the long-time Toronto friends first recorded together for Lake Ontario Waterkeepers in 2006. Fleeting sessions over the next seven years yielded finished songs in immediate, alchemical takes. Gord Downie, The Sadies, And The Conquering Sun is the action of first-thought-best- thought. 
The project’s namesake, “The Conquering Sun” fuses The Sadies’ rusted psychedelia with Downie’s humble, volatile wail. Mike Belitsky’s roiling drums, and Sean Dean’s sure, standing bass spur the band through uncharted desert-scapes."

Gord Downie, The Sadies, And The Conquering Sun is the self-titled debut record. This is the mission statement of a young band unhinged. Ten songs of visceral punk rock exultation; a spirited half-hour exploration of the darkness surrounding daylight. Each song brims with energy, electricity embellishing a simple, rustic core — now all brash guitars and punk rock gnarl. Gord Downie, The Sadies, And The Conquering Sun is an arrival: the combustion of brotherhood and dissent: music of wisdom and innocence: poetry of promise and provocation.

Tour Dates

2014/05/02 Bowery Ballroom - New York, NY
2014/05/03 The Sinclair - Cambridge, MA
2014/05/10 Lincoln Hall - Chicago, IL
2014/05/11 Magic Stick- Detroit, MI

2014/06/07 Arts & Crafts Field Trip (Fort York) - Toronto, ON
2014/06/08 Arts & Crafts Field Trip (Fort York) - Toronto, ON
2014/06/12 Atlin Arts & Music Festival - Atlin, BC
2014/07/18 Wild Mountain Music Festival - Hinton, AB
2014/07/27 Interstellar Rodeo - Edmonton, AB
2014/09/12 Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival – Fredericton, NB

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Gord Downie, The Sadies & The Conquering Sun

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Gord Downie has collaborated with The Sadies on a new album due out on April 15th. There are currently 6 tour dates with the possibility of more to follow. I'd like to see them squeeze in a Montreal show to complete the 'Original 6 Tour'...

Anyway, probably not good news for those hoping to catch The Hip on tour this summer... or any kind of extensive tour anyway. Festivals & greatest hits events can pop up at any time I guess - so we'll see on that front as we move into spring.

Check out Alex Hudson's article over on Exclaim! for more details.

The album is available to pre-order digitally on iTunes.

Gord Downie, the Sadies, and the Conquering Sun:

1. Crater
2. The Conquering Sun
3. Los Angeles Times
4. One Good Fast Job
5. It Didn't Start to Break My Heart Until This Afternoon
6. Budget Shoes
7. Demand Destruction
8. Devil Enough
9. I'm Free, Disarray Me
10. Saved

Tour dates:

05/02 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom
05/03 Boston, MA - The Sinclair
05/10 Chicago, IL - Lincoln Hall
05/11 Detroit MI - Magic Stick
06/07-08 Toronto, ON - Fork York (Field Trip Music & Arts Festival)

Useful Links:
Official Website
The Sadies

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

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