Showing posts with label World Container - Lyrics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Container - Lyrics. Show all posts

World Container (song) - Lyrics

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Last played: 2009/04/29 Kitchener, ON
Debut: 2006/10/17 Toronto, ON
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: Disclaimer -> It's songs like this that make The Hip so great... to me anyway. This song is a top 5 for me. It's the lyrics... the cadence... it's addictive. It was played extensively on the 'World Container Tour' then once in 2008 and once in 2009 at the very beginning of the 'WATS Tour'.

There's a world container with your name on it
and a billion ways to go berserk
when the country quits on you
it must be dinner
and the Himmler on this one is, there's no dessert
(he's the one who couldn't imagine
all the people living life in peace, yoo hoo oo oo oo)
Good news! You get to vanish
go to Cleveland, be an indie smash
the good news is now you're smaller
the bad news is you can be smaller than that
Go suck some souls, be a reader, get used
laugh at a funeral or two
laugh and laugh til all the chameleons turn black
laugh and laugh til you're told, 'Please don't come back'
then fake incredulous, say, 'I just can't believe!
How'd it get this late so early?'
say, 'Ain't life a grand' and 'I'm in awe of y'all'
then drop into your haunted bunk
go to your touchless times
out where the water's drying
go past the 'No Attractions Past This Point' sign
what you'll find there are all flaws in progress
where all songs are one song and that song is, Don't Forget
yea, all songs are one song and that song is, Don't Forget

Yea, I've faked incredulous, said, 'I just can't believe.
How'd it get this late so early'
said, 'Ain't life a grand' and 'I'm in awe of y'all'
I've dropped into my haunted bunk
been to the touchless times,
out where the water's drying
been past the 'No Attractions Past This Point' sign
what we have here are all flaws in progress
where all songs are one song and that song is, Don't Forget
where all songs are one song and that song is, Don't Forget
where all songs are one song and that song is, Don't Forget

Previous song: Family Band

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Family Band - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/02/09 Oshawa, ON
Debut: 2006/10/17 Toronto, ON
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: Family Band was a mainstay in Tragically Hip setlists from its debut in 2006 right up through the 2009 'WATS Tour'. It was dropped from the 'Festival Setlists' of 2011/12 although it's the type of song that fits in well with that ilk. It became somewhat of a rarity on the 'Now For Plan A Tour' which is too bad. It can fill in for any of the heavy-hitters that are continuously overplayed. It can open a set, close a set, appear in the middle to kick-start the show after a slow down or be an encore song. 

I can't smell a rat when it's all rat
I can't find one in an elevator
My mind doesn't work so bad
But I am a poor exterminator
that's right

I can't destroy entirely
Or annihilate a little later
I can't see the entire city
But I'm not a bad exterminator
I'm just a shade shy of true wickedness
I'm a shade shy of truly loving it, yea
There are other things I'd rather be doing
Even nothing
Even nothing
Even nothing with you

One day I'll make some honest rock n roll
Full of handclaps and gang vocals
I'm gonna get all the children involved
We're gonna get lost on all you locals
We'll be a shade shy of true wickedness
We'll be a shade shy of truly loving this, yea
There are other things we'll rather be doing, sure
Even nothing
Even nothing
Even nothing with you

We'll load out through the snow
Through small groups of people smoking
Hey! Get that kick drum loaded!
Into the back seat folded down!
We'll go virtually unnoticed
What's gripping the city ain't hitting the town

We'll be a shade shy of true wickedness
We'll be a shade shy of truly loving it, yea
There are other things that we'll surely miss
We'll load out through the snow
Through small groups of people smoking
Hey! get that kick drum loaded!
Into the back seat folded down!
We'll go perfectly unnoticed
What's gripping the city ain't hitting the town

Next song: World Container
Previous song: The Drop-Off

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

The Drop-Off - Lyrics

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Last played: 2009/12/03 Glasgow, Scotland
Debut: 2006/05/26 Vancouver, BC
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: Hung around in the setlists throughout the 2009 'WATS Tour' but hasn't been played since.

When the summer is young
and nobody has their prices
No one is no one
and nobody in a crisis
There's no swimming past the drop-off
or feeling sorry for yourself
Ya don't go swimming past the drop-off
or else

Yer a pistol, yer a gun
and suddenly I have no prices
I'm like a friend of Dylan's
our shovels meeting in some crisis
But there's no swimming past the drop-off
Yea we don't replace ourselves
Ya don't go swimming past the drop-off
or else

The fates are amok and spun, measured and cut and the past is meant to please us
Yer a comet from earth in a Kiss Alive shirt saying, 'holy fuck, it's Jesus!?'
The surface is green and the dark interweaves in a lonely iridescence
It's terribly deep and the cold is complete and it only lacks a presence
and nothing else.

When the summer is done
and nobody sympathizes
Yer no friend of Dylan's
Yea, you won't see another crisis
There's no swimming past the drop-off
or feeling sorry for ourselves
Ya don't go swimming past the drop-off
or else

Personal stakes will get raised and get raised til your story gets compelling
If you lacked the sense or were willfully dense is forever in the telling
The surface is green and the dark interweaves in a lonely iridescence
It's terribly deep and the cold is complete and it only lacks your presence
and nothing else
nothing else
nothing else
and no one else

Next song: Family Band
Previous song: Last Night I Dreamed You Didn't Love Me

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Last Night I Dreamed You Didn't Love Me - Lyrics

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Last played: 2007/05/19 Towson, MD
Debut: 2006/10/17 Toronto, ON
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: Only played 12 times live.

You kissed my fingers and made me love you

Last night when we went to hell
When the blood-starred curtain fell
Men were turning on their machines, making everything mean
Fires burned, cold values clashed
Good and evil were all dry grass
No child-ghost, no singing bird, no last laugh, no last word
Last night I dreamed, last night I dreamed darkly nurtured dreams
None of them were quite as frightening
Canada emptied, there was me, featureless and freezing
Last night I dreamed you didn't love me

you kissed my fingers and made me love you

Last night you left me derelict
and disappeared for ages
You just said 'honey save those tears of yours for the show,
Last night I dreamed, last night I dreamed darkly nurtured dreams
none of them were half as frightening
Canada emptied there was me, beside you, featureless and freezing
Last night I dreamed you didn't love me.
You didn't love me.
What's happening to you?
Why don't you love me like you used to?
When you kissed my fingers and you made me love you
When you kissed my fingers and you made me love you

Last night I dreamed, last night I dreamed darkly nurtured dreams
None of them, none as frightening,
Awake empty and out of sleep, you were beside me gently breathing
Last night I dreamed you didn't love me
You didn't love me
You didn't love me
Why don't you love me like you used to?
When you kissed my fingers and you made me love you

When you kissed my fingers and you made me love you

Next song: The Drop-Off
Previous song: Pretend

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Pretend - Lyrics

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Last played: 2007/10/27 Boston, MA
Debut: 2005/07/16 Grand Falls, NL
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: Sad song, but here's something that makes me smile... My wife is from California and needless to say she hadn't heard of The Hip before we met. Now that she has, not really a fan. Anyway, she goes back to Cali for a family visit and learns how to play this song by ear on the piano after I snuck it on to her ipod... Always makes me smile that does. Two other songs along with Pretend share a variation of the lyric "Gripping the city, hitting the town"... The Kids Don't Get It & Family Band...

If I ask you a question
are you going to lie to me?
Is that your question?
Because that one is easy

It's gripping the city
and hitting the town
and no one on earth is
doing this now

If you can pretend
and I can pretend
pretending won't end
and then and well then...

If you take the chances
I'll take the bows
saying ‘no one on earth is
doing this now'

But if I ask you a question
are you gonna lie to me?
Is that your question?
Because that one is easy

If you don't pretend
and I don't pretend
pretending might end
but pretend can pretend to end

You can't pretend
Yes I can. Yes I can. Yes I can.
You can't pretend
Yes I can. Yes I can. Yes I can.

You can't pretend
Yes I can. Yes I can. Yes I can.

You can't pretend
Yes I can. Yes I can. Yes I can.

Next song: Last Night I Dreamed You Didn't Love Me
Previous song: The Kids Don't Get It

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

The Kids Don't Get It - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/02/12 Sault Ste. Marie, ON
Debut: 2006/10/17 Toronto, ON
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: TKDGI made its debut like many of the 'World Container' songs at the Horseshoe Tavern on Queen St. West in Toronto right before the big 2007 'World Container Tour' where it received extensive play. It only made 2 appearances between then and 2011. Once in 2008 and it was a 'one-timer' on the 2009 'WATS Tour'. Kids came back in a big way on the festival circuit in the summer of 2011 and was featured steadily throughout the 'Now For Plan A Tour'. If you fall into the category of one who gets a little bothered by ' Screaming Gord' , this one is not for you....

You said, ‘If I ask you a question,
are you gonna lie to me?’
I said, ‘honey, is that your question?
cuz honey, that one’s easy’
cuz half the truth is, just how much there is
The kids don’t get it
No. The kids don’t get it

I’m gonna be an expert stranger,
better than the giant squid
I’m gonna leave the stranger experts
scratching their heads, saying, ‘how’d he do it?!’
When half the truth is, just how hard it is
But the kids don’t get it
No. The kids won’t get it

I’ll be the antlers and I’ll be the elk
I’ll be the right whale and I’ll be parallel
The kids don’t get it
That’s right, kids don’t get it

I’ll feel more than human when the work’s hitting home
I’ll be aped by my ancestors. I’ll state the plan as my own
I’ll be gripping the city, I’ll be hitting the town
You’ll say. ‘I’d be hurt if you didn’t, when I come around’
That’s right, kids don’t get it

I’ll be as careless as you are certain.
I’ll get outta my own way
I’ll stop to cry into the curtains
and like the greats, before me, go on stage
And if half-true its, good enough for this
cuz the kids don’t get it
No. The kids don’t get it
If I ask you a question,
ya gonna lie to me?
Ah honey is that your question?
cuz that one’s easy

Kids don’t get it
Just how hard it is
Kids don’t get it
Just how much there is

Next song: Pretend
Previous song: Luv (sic)

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Luv (sic) - Lyrics

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Last played: 2007/10/19 Dallas, TX
Debut: 2006/10/17 Toronto, ON
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: Another of Gord Downie's wonderful plays on words... Luv (sic) only saw live action for the period amid the 'World Container Tour'. 34 times in total.

There are words I carry in my heart
Words I carry in my heart
Clung to
Glad of
Uncommonly held
Peculiarly interlaced
Remembered and felt
Am I lovesick?
It’s as if love’s the only virtue there is
Am I lovesick?

The plot thins, emotions get frayed
Attractions move through the shade
Done for
Delight in
And forever held
Given life
Remembered and felt
Am I lovesick?
It’s not as if love’s the only virtue there is
Am I lovesick?

It’s nothing to hate
Who can’t hate can
Got nothing ‘gainst hate
It’s all the planning
It gets hard to remember
We’re best when we’re tender

There are words I carry in my heart
Words I carry in my heart
Words I carry in my heart
Clung to
Glad of
Uncommonly held
Peculiarly interlaced
Remembered and felt
Am I lovesick?
Maybe love is the only virtue there is
Am I lovesick?
Lovesick, lovesick
‘Love is the only virtue there is’ (Northrop Frye)
Am I lovesick?

Next song: The Kids Don't Get It
Previous song: Fly

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Fly - Lyrics

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Last played: 2007/10/24 Philadelphia, PA
Debut: 2006/05/26 Vancouver, BC
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: Seemed to get more action before the 'World Container Tour' than on it. Hasn't been played since which is too bad. Pretty solid Hip tune in my opinion.

Seventy days to cross the ocean
Seventy nights where no one's gonna hear me fall
Freddie Mercury, "I've sometimes wished
I'd never been born at all'

I remain unphotographed yea
I don't exaggerate my intelligence
I might turn a broom into a tree
But I'll never be one of them

I fly, cause there's no why in getting beaten up by
a guy who cries before he fights

I don't want em to see me like this
The way they like to kick people when their down
You said, ‘please stop worrying bout this
They stop kicking once you're down'

There's Mistaken Point, Newfoundland
There's Moonbeam, Ontari-ari-o
There are places I've never been
and always wanted to go

I fly, cause woe betide a guy who just lives to fight
Fly, love is to try and die trying

Fly, yea, that's right
Fly, yea, that's right
Try, love is to try and die trying

Coastline rising out of the ocean
Coastline rises like a pair of glowing thighs
Theres something down deep inside me says,
‘Where ya been all my life.'

Fly, turn your back, get your face in the sky
Fly, love is to try and die trying
Try, left and right, across your mind
Try, love is to try and die trying

Next song: Luv (sic)
Previous song: In View

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

In View - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/02/14 Toronto, ON
Debut: 2006/09/09 Stratford, ON
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: Since its debut, it's rare that it is not played at any given show. In View is the least favorite song of mine in The Hip's cannon and I usually pull for a mid-set placement so I can perform some bladder management at the shows.

I love you. You know I do
Yea, it's perfect...well, it isn't and it is

And I've been meaning to call you
I've been meaning to call you
Then I do
I've been meaning to call you
I've been meaning to call you
Then I do

Phone rings once
Phone rings twice
Phone rings three times

I am of you
You are in everything I do
I do

I trust you, that makes you true
I don't care if it isn't the way it is

I've been meaning to call you
I've been meaning to call you
Then I do

Phone rings once
Phone rings twice
Phone rings three times

I am of you
You are always in view
Yea, I am my will
But you are in everything I do
I do. I do. I do

In the Day Eraser's dark of night
In the Excited States, gone in plain sight
Under the wave or by cavelight
I lose, things change, but never in your eyes

I am of you
You are always in view
I am my will
You are in everything I do

Next song: Fly
Previous song: The Lonely End Of The Rink

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

The Lonely End Of The Rink - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/01/26 Winnipeg, MB
Debut: 2004/11/17 Edmonton, AB
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: A setlist staple since it really came on in 2006 although its appearances have slowed as of late (NFPA Tour 12/13). I haven't listened to the 2004 show that lists as its debut. I'm more inclined to list an official debut in 2006 when most of WC was introduced.

I looked up and you were thereee
just sitting there all alone
holding your fist in the air
like, if you need me you're on your own

You drove me home through a snowy tomb
I fell asleep in my seat
I had the dream of having no room
you were there just staring at me

At the lonely end of the rink, you and me
At the lonely end of the rink, you and me

Oh to join the rush
as the season builds

I hear your voice 'cross a frozen lake
a voice from the end of a leaf
saying, 'you won't die of a thousand fakes
or be beaten by the sweetest of dekes'

At the lonely end of the rink, you and me
At the lonely end of the rink, you and me
At the lonely end of the rink, you and me
At the lonely end of the rink, the lonely end of the rink

Oh to join the rush
as the season builds
Jump into the rush
as the seasons build

You drove me home through a snowy gloom
and I fell asleep in my seat
then I had the dream of having no room
you were there just staring at me

At the lonely end of the rink, you and me
At the lonely end of the rink, you and me
At the lonely end of the rink, you and me
At the lonely end of the rink, the lonely end of the rink.

Next song: In View
Previous song: Yer Not The Ocean

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Yer Not The Ocean - Lyrics

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Last played: 2009/12/03 Glasgow, Scotland
Debut: 2005/09/03 Moncton, NB
Album: World Container (2006)
Notes: Yer Not The Ocean was featured very prominently prior to and during the 'World Container Tour' as well as during the 2009 'We Are The Same Tour'. It has since been dropped from the setlist. The debut date listed above is according to 2006/06/24 Toronto, ON may in fact be the correct debut date.

Again I'm talking to the lake, I'm standing on the rocks
Yer not the ocean, I'm better to watch
Britney Invisible or The Stranger In Myself
Than a wall of water just hitting the shelf

Yer not the ocean, you're up to my toes
Yer not the ocean, you're not even close

Though you're so real and you're more youth every day
And you can think and feel and get out of your own way
And though I'm nothing, you are just a lake
Made to take it and take and take and take

Yer not the ocean, I'm standing on my toes
Yer not the ocean, you're not even close
Yer not the ocean, you're up to my chin
Yer not the ocean, you're not coming in
You're not coming in, you're not coming in, you're not coming in

Yer not the ocean, you're up to my chin
Yer not the ocean, you're not coming in
You're not coming in, you're not coming in, you're not coming in

Next song: The Lonely End Of The Rink

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

World Container - Lyrics

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World Contain-Her

Welcome to to lyrics post page for The Tragically Hip's World Container album. Click on a song title below for the lyrics and Digital Lyric Art.

Released: October 17, 2006
Recorded: The Warehouse Studio & Armoury Studios (Vancouver), Phase One Studios (Toronto), Paia (Hawaii)
Length: 42:27
Label: Universal Music Canada
Producer: Bob Rock
Certification: Platinum in Canada (300,000+ sold)

Track Listing:
Yer Not the Ocean
The Lonely End of the Rink
In View
Luv (sic)
The Kids Don't Get It
Last Night I Dreamed You Didn't Love Me
The Drop-Off
Family Band
World Container

Next album: We Are The Same
Previous album: In Between Evolution

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.
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