Showing posts with label Fort Albany ON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fort Albany ON. Show all posts

At the Hundredth Meridian: Visions of Ft. Albany

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Here's a high quality vid of The Hip doing 100th Meridian up in FT. Albany... in a gym. Plus there's some shots of the area.

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The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

2012/02/16: Fort Albany, ON

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The Tragically Hip
Peetabek School Gym
Fort Albany, ON

Grace Too, Poets, We Want To Be It, Streets Ahead, At The Hundredth Meridian, Ahead By A Century, Man Machine Poem, At Transformation, Take Forever, Courage, Bobcaygeon, New Orleans Is Sinking

The Lookahead*, Fully Completely, My Music At Work

Encore 2:
Gus: The Polar Bear From Central Park, Little Bones, Blow At High Dough

* First time played

Article from

A big Canadian band played a unique show in a small northern Ontario reserve last night.

The Tragically Hip performed in Fort Albany as part of a celebration of Cree culture and education.

The band started with a song inspired by a favorite northern pastime — paddling a canoe on the open waters.

The Peetabek school gym was transformed for this rock concert, complete with stage, lights and a sound system. The band's gear was hauled up on the ice road.

Lead singer Gord Downie, who has visited the James Bay Coast several times on fishing trips, said it's a part of the country he wishes more people would get to know.

“If Canada is any good at all then we are judged by how we treat our poorest and most vulnerable,” Downie said. “These are strong communities up here. They don't need hand outs or anything like that.”

The concert was part of the Great Moon Gathering, a Cree educational and cultural event.

Métis author Joseph Boyden was also there, hoping to counter act some of the negative attention brought on by the housing crisis in Attawapiskat.

“People don't often get to see the power and the beauty of these communities,” Boyden said. “And so we have come up to help them show that.”

Gord Interview Audio

I used to dream of The Hip playing my high school gym... Here's some video of what that would have looked like...

Don't forget you can follow us and hang with the other HipHeads on both Facebook and Twitter.

The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

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