Showing posts with label Day For Night - Lyrics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Day For Night - Lyrics. Show all posts

Day For Night Lyric Art

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Hey All,

Just an FYI that I have posted some Digital Lyric Art for the Day For Night album.  All images can be enlarged by clicking on them.  So far I've completed Up to Here, Road Apples, Fully Completely and now Day for Night.

Day For Night

Links to the individual Day for Night songs can be found on the Day for Night Lyrics Page.

Stay tuned for Trouble at the Henhouse next!

-- mrjackstraw

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Impossibilium - Lyrics

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Last played: 1995/04/29 Buffalo, NY
Debut: 1994/08/08 Harrisburg, PA
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: Of the dozen times this song has been let loose live only 2 were in Canada. Once at Maple Leaf Gardens and once at The Forum in Montreal. Hallowed ground to say the least.

I love you even when I don't even know I'm doing it
and dismiss it out of hand cause I don't even know I'm doing it
but your finger starts to wiggle and landscapes emerge
Can you spare some change dear, we've only got three hundred feet to go

Roses are worth more dried than alive
such a you thing to say
O how I adore you
when you reinvent a rose cliche
Can you spare some change dear
we've only got three hundred feet to go
and with impossibilium for a payload
we lift the rocket
out of the pocket
nothing can stop it

Roses are difficult everywhere
you must promise me you'll stay
these longstems are freakish if anything
but we can cut em down for the vase
Can you spare some change dear
we've only got three hundred feet to go
and with impossibilium for a payload
we lift the rocket out of the pocket
nothing can stop it
we can only watch it

Previous song: Titanic Terrarium

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

TITANIC Terrarium - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/02/02 Halifax, NS
Debut: 1994/10/07 Portland, OR
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: Just 6 appearances since 12/21/2000, but it's not sunk yet.

Growing up in a biosphere
with no respect for bad weather
there's still roaches and ants in here
so resourceful and clever.
Her greatgrandfather saw the future
didn't know nothing bout panic,
he certainly probably thought
that it was unthinkable.
There's a trace o mint
wafting in from the north
so we don't fuck with the 401
it's bigger than us or
larger than we bargained
I guess it's just not done.
His greatgrandfather worked for Goodyear
he'd see the blimp on Sundays
wonder what the driver knew
about making rubber tires.
Terrarium, O Terrarium

There's submarines out there under the ice
avoiding and courting collision
an accident's sometimes the only way
to worm our way back to bad decisions,
My greatgrandfather was a welder
he helped to build the Titanic
he didn't certainly think
that is was unsinkable.
Building up to the larger point
with an arrogance not rare or pretty
we don't declare the war on idleness
when outside it's cold and shitty.
We stay inside and try to conjure the fathers of
the injured and faking
if there's glory in miracles
it's that they're reversible

O Terrarium

Next song: Impossibilium
Previous song: Emergency

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Emergency - Lyrics

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Last played: N/A
Debut: Any day now...
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: What can I say? Nothing. That's what.

I've often dreamt of a conversation
that just keeps on coming up again and again.
We're sitting in the Baby Bar bereft
at a shadowy table, out past the sentences end
From until it's no longer fun
to that's no longer relevant.
From until we're no longer one
to the bona-fide embodiment of an endless
emergency without end.

We often stop in these conversations,
things we say here stay here
forever amen.
When everything seems either funny or lousy,
funny or lousy, that's where it usually ends.

From until it's no longer fun
to that's no longer relevant.
From until we're no longer one
to that's no longer permanent.
From the last survivors of those terms
to the bona-fide embodiment
of an endless emergency
without end.
We're an endless emergency
without end.

your finger starts to wiggle
landscapes emerge

Next song: Titanic Terrarium
Previous song: An Inch An Hour

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

An Inch An Hour - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/01/20 Kamloops, BC
Debut: 1994/07/01 Barrie, ON
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: Just 10 live appearances since 12/16/2000 St. John's, NL. It actually surged on the recent 'Now For Plan A Tour' and was played 6 times.

I want a book that'll make me drunk
full of freaks and disenfranchised punks.
No amount of hate no load of junk
no bag or words no costume trunk
could make me feel the same way
an inch an hour two feet a day
to move through night
in this most fashionable way.

There's this fuckin band you gotta see
they used to scare the living shit outta me.
No frothing dog no cool insanity
no "rock n' roll" no christianity
makes me feel the same way
an inch an hour two feet a day
to move through night
with very little else to say
but i'm helpless less with the people
than the space.

No struggletown no bemused trudeau
no solitary walks through vacant lots
in moonglow

Tonight the winter may have missed its mark
you can see your breath in Springside Park
coffee-coloured ice and peeling birch bark the
sound of rushing water in the dark
makes me feel the same way
an inch an hour two feet a day
to move through life
with very little else to say
but i'm helpless more with the people
than the space
I mean I'm helpless less with the people
than the space

You see, I don't know Neil
I don't know Neil

Next song: Emergency
Previous song: Scared

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Scared - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/02/09 Oshawa, ON
Debut: 1994/07/24 Glastonbury, ENG
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: A consistent part of The Hip's live repertoire since its debut. And for good reason. It has slowed down as of late and is now probably considered a bit of a rarity. It was played only 6 times during the 39 show 'Now For Plan A Tour'.

I could make you scared
if you want me to
I'm not prepared, but if I have to
He said, I can make you scared,
it's kinda what I do
If you're prepared,
here's what I propose to do
You're in Russia
and more than a million works of art
are whisked out to the woods
So when the Nazis
find the whole place dark
They'd think god's
left the museum for good

I make you scared, if that's what I do
If you're prepared, if I have to
If I make you scared and you pay me to
If that's the deal
now here's what I can do for you

Now there's a focus group
that can prove
this is all nothing
but cold calculation

Tests have shown
that suspicious or hostile
Their lives need not be shortened
truth be told
they can live a long, long while
Tickled to death by their importance

If you make me scared,
if that's what you do
If I'm unclear can I get out of this thing
with me and you
If you feel scared, a bit confused,
I gotta say
this sounds a little beyond
anything I'm used to

Now there's a precious few
that can prove that at the root
This is all nothing but a cold calculation

Clearly entranced,
you're leaning back now
Defanged destroyer limps into the bay
Down at the beach
it's attracting quite a crowd
As kids wade through blood
out to it to play

OK you made me scared,
you did what you set out to do
I'm not prepared, you really had me
going there for a minute or two
He said, you made me scared too,
I wasn't sure I was getting through
I gotta go, it's been a pleasure
doing business with you.

Next song: An Inch An Hour
Previous song: Inevitability Of Death

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Inevitability Of Death - Lyrics

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Last played: 2009/09/11 Winnipeg, MB
Debut: 1994/07/01 Barrie, ON
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: Seems to show up every tour although the number of times it appears in setlists continues to decline. It's good on the album, but it's great live.

Puffy lips glistening skin
And everything comes rushing in
We don't go to hell
memories of us do

I get a sense of connectedness
Exclusive tight but nothing dangerous
We don't go to hell memories of us do
And if you go to hell
I'll still remember you

But I thought you beat the death of
to death just a little bit
I though you beat the inevitability
of death
to death just a little bit

Terry's gift is forever green
It got me up and back on the scene
We don't go to hell
just our memories do

Fantastic gap common space
Open concept in your smiling face
We don't go to hell memories of us do

And if you go to hell I'll still remember you

Next song: Scared
Previous song: Thugs

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Thugs - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/02/09 Oshawa, ON
Debut: 1993/02/07 Haldern, GER
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: Notable gap from 2002/11/11 - 2006/10/29. Like Daredevil, enjoy it if you get it because there's no guarantees.

everyone's got their breaking point
   with me it's spiders and with you it's me
     thugs in perpetuity
       when we're excited little birds around the feeder
         the cat's indifferent or he's just furious
           it seems that he's never neither
             i do the rolling you do the detail
               i do the rolling you do the detail

                 hairbird plucks a hair from a sleeping dog
                   to build her nest she said i've looked around
                     and i like your hair the best
                       i do the rolling you do the detail
                         i do the rolling you do the detail

                              Ruby, honey are you mad at your man?

Next song: Inevitability Of Death
Previous song: Nautical Disaster

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Nautical Disaster - Lyrics

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Last played:
2013/02/14 Toronto, ON
Debut: 1994/07/01 Barrie, ON
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: A Monster! A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, The Disaster lived in New Orleans. 2011 has seen this couple reunite from time to time...

I had this dream where I relished the fray and the screaming filled my head all day.  It was as though I'd been spit here, settled in, into the pocket of a lighthouse on some rocky socket, off the coast of France, dear.

One afternoon, four thousand men died in the water here and five hundred more were thrashing madly, as parasites might in your blood. Now I was in a lifeboat designed for ten and ten only, anything that systematic would get you hated. It's not a deal nor a test nor a love of something fated. The selection was quick, the crew was picked (in order)* and those left in the water got kicked off our pantleg and we headed for home.

Then the dream ends when the phone rings, you doing alright he said it's out there most days and nights, but only a fool would complain. Anyway Susan, if you like, our conversation is as faint as a sound in my memory, as those fingernails scratching on my hull.

*Not in album liner notes

Next song: Thugs
Previous song: So Hard Done By

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

So Hard Done By - Lyrics

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Last played: 2015/01/13 Windsor, ON
Debut: 1991/12/31 Ottawa, ON
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: SHDB's busiest year was actually 1998 on the Phantom Power tour where it was played 20 times and not as you would expect, on the Day for Night tour in 1995. Always a very popular tune among both the diehards and the casual fans, it's a rare treat to see these days with only 18 live appearances since Y2K. Remember that?

Interesting and sophisticated
refusing to be celebrated
it's a monumental big screen kiss
it's so deep it's meaningless
one day you'll just up and quit
and that'll be it
just then the stripper stopped in a coughing fit
she said sorry i can't go on with this

     yeah that's awful close
     but that's not why
     i'm so hard done by

It was true cinema à clef
you should see it before there's nothing left
in an epic too small to be tragic
you'll have to wait a minute
cause it's an instamatic

     yeah that's awful close
     but that's not why
     i'm so hard done by

Just then the room became more dimly lit
as the emcee carried on with it
and now that i got you all strangely compelled
i'm afraid Candy's not feeling well

     close, but that's not why
     i'm so hard done by

Next song: Nautical Disaster
Previous song: Fire In The Hole

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Fire In The Hole - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/02/12 Sault Ste. Marie, ON
Debut: 1994/07/01 Barrie, ON
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: Played just 4 times on the 2009 WATS tour, all coming very late in the tour. Surprising because of its history. Often used as a set closer or encore piece. It made a nice comeback on the 'Now For Plan A Fall/Winter Tour'.

You triumphed over will
You had immunity to kill
You had your dreams fulfilled
And I love you still
But there's a power beyond control
There's a fire in the hole
Ah the nights are getting cold
All your secrets will be told
Turn your lanterns low

As long as you can dig up proof
As cold as water through the roof
Brutal as depicted truth
That kid's a fuckin goof
Turn your lanterns low
But there's a power beyond control
There's a fire in the hole
Yeah the nights are getting cold
All his secrets will be told
Turn your lanterns low

I'd like to stand up soon and show
I'd like to let some people know
I'd turn my bucket over
I'd turn my lantern low
But there's a power beyond control
There's a fire in the hole
Yeah the nights are getting cold
All my secrets would be told
Turn your lanterns low
Alright                                  Alright

Next song: So Hard Done By
Previous song: Yawning Or Snarling

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Yawning or Snarling - Lyrics

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Last played: 2012/11/06 Rochester, NY
Debut: 1994/07/01 Barrie, ON
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: Never in heavy rotation. A notable gap occurs between 1995/10/20 and 1999/01/31. Since 2000/12/23 it has been played only 9 times with 6 of those coming in 2009 and 1 in 2012.

One day in El Paso
The cops go into the crowd
Under a glaring bladder of light
And the music is so loud
And the tourists take their T-shirts off
A busload of kids gives you the finger
Afternoon when the sidewalk's hot
And the shadow's to chilly to linger
Walk past damaged goods and ugly trends
Past a strawman making a purchase
Downtown where the river bends
They're just waiting for you to resurface

    Take a look at this photograph
    Clearly his teeth were bared
    He coulda been yawning or snarling
    The story was never clear

One night in El Paso
The cops go into the crowd
Under a throbbing bladder of light
And the music is just so loud
And the tourists turn their T.V.'s off
And a bat sees a bug with the sound of a linger
Night time when the shadows cough
And you're chilled to the tips of your fingers
Walk past damaged goods and ugly trends
Past ol' strawman making a purchase
Downtown where the river bends
They're just waiting for you to resurface

    Take a look at this photograph
    Clearly his teeth were bared
    He coulda been yawning or snarling
    The story was never clear

Next song: Fire In The Hole
Previous song: Greasy Jungle

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Greasy Jungle - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/02/08 Guelph, ON
Debut: 1994/07/01 Barrie, ON
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: After being played just 17 times from 2000 until the start of the 'Now For Plan A Tour' it roared back into the rotation and was played 16 times during a 39 show stretch. Time will tell if it's back for good. Let's hope so as it's a favourite among Hipheads.

Greasy jungle metropolis noir
Easy tangles the easiest so far
I drove down your road
to Hazeldean where I tasted
your funeral home's sandwiches and coffee
I saw your hands melt into one another
I saw you grieve and grow
care a lot about one another
I stood at your sink
and I felt your warm water
I washed your dishes
and I looked out your kitchen window where I
saw a soulful gymnast
melt in the air and shudder
just above the snow
making moves that just weren't there
Velvet callow with wet hands
I turned out the lights and
breathing shallow hesitated
then went upstairs where
I picked up your housecoat
dried my hands and
touched your hair
and just then you awoke
you could never really barely care
Greasy jungle metropolis noir

Next song: Yawning Or Snarling
Previous song: Daredevil

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Daredevil - Lyrics

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Last played: 2012/12/05 Spokane, WA
Debut: 1994/07/01 Barrie, ON
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: Heavy play in 1995-96. Since then it's never been shelved, but it's appearances would now be considered rare and special. Always a nice catch at a show.

I can't imagine how you feel and this is how you feel
you say your name like you're no longer convinced
but now they're strapping you in and closing the lid
and they're dropping you in what's done you did
The bell's picking up speed there's water leaking in
that ol' equilibrium just starts to spin and spin
Do you like to be judged or liked
Do you like it inside a barrel
plunging over the falls
Curious and grim we wrestle at the rim
we wonder all about him and the point of it all

I'll be short and brief
and to the point
the fighting has resumed
In that tone of voice
the plague is exhumed
He said "what I'm going through
is essentially all true
made no less amazing
by the fact that it's see-through"
You like to be judged or liked
And you like it inside a barrel
plunging over the falls
Strong and green and dim it wrestled him like nuthin
out out out
and into the thrill of em all

And the real wonder of the world is that we don't jump too

Next song: Greasy Jungle
Previous song: Grace, Too

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Grace, Too - Lyrics

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The Classic Opener

Last played: 2013/02/14 Toronto, ON
Debut: 1994/07/01 Barrie, ON
Album: Day For Night (1994)
Notes: They like to play this one. Always a consistent part of the setlist every tour since its debut. Water bottles were thrown at Daniel Lanois that day if I remember correctly and Gord wasn't too happy about that. I'm not sure if that was why they play almost all of Day for Night. Nobody knew any of those tunes at that point and a lot of people thought the show sucked. Looking back at the setlist from that show today, it was a fucking monster.

He said, I'm fabulously rich
C'mon just let's go
She kinda bit her lip
Geez, I don't know
But I can guarantee
There'll be no knock on the door
I'm a total pro
that's what I'm here for
I come from downtown
Born ready for you
Armed with will and determination
and grace, too

The secret rules of engagement
Are hard to endorse
When the appearance of conflict
Meets the appearance of force
But I can guarantee
There'll be no knock on the door
I'm a total pro
that's what I'm here for
I come from downtown
Born ready for you
Armed with skill and it's frustration
and grace, too

Him? Here? Now? No!
Him? Here? Now? No!

Next song: Daredevil

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

Day For Night - Lyrics

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Welcome to to lyrics post page for The Tragically Hip's Day For Night album.  Click on a song title below for the lyrics and Digital Lyric Art.

Released: September 19, 1994
Recorded: Kingsway Studio - New Orleans LA;   Le Cave de Dave - Kingston, ON
Length: 59:26
Label: MCA
Producer: Mark Howard, The Tragically Hip with Mark Vreeken
Certification: 6x Platinum

Track Listing:
Grace, Too
Greasy Jungle
Yawning Or Snarling
Fire In The Hole
So Hard Done By
Nautical Disaster
Inevitability Of Death
An Inch An Hour
Titanic Terrarium

Next album: Trouble At The Henhouse
Previous album: Fully Completely

******************************************************************* The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.
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