07/01/2011 - Downsview Park, Toronto, ON

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The Tragically Hip
Downsview Park
Toronto, ON

From @_alieb On the Ground...

"Sorry for the lack of updates at Downsview, there was no cell reception in the venue. This made is impossible to find friends. I have never been a big fan of this venue, its always so unorganized. One beer tent for over 30,000 people with 2 hour waits. Rude. However, once I embraced all these obstacles and just went with it, the night shaped up OK. The Hip took the stage and the vibe in the whole place immediately changed! It was one giant party as they jammed out hit after hit. No big surprises to the setlist...

Set I: Grace Too, Blow At High Dough, Love Is A First, It's A Good Life If You Don't Weaken, Streets Ahead, Poets, Ahead By A Century, In View, Drip Drip, At the Hundredth Meridian, Gift Shop, Fiddler's Green, Transformation, Fully Completely, Courage, Bobcaygeon, New Orleans Is Sinking > Nautical Disaster > New Orleans Is Sinking, Little Bones

The Kids Don't Get It, Wheat Kings, My Music At Work

The night closed out with fireworks and the whole crowd singing the national anthem was pretty awesome."

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