Bill Barilko's Sister - Anne Klisanich

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Anne Klisanich, the sister of Bill Barilko passed away last week. The National Post has run a great story on her with lots of Tragically Hip stuff sprinkled in.

It is one of those stories sons tell about their mothers because it makes them smile every time they do, because the image of Anne Klisanich, a 70-ish senior, with grey hair and a warm and welcoming manner, putting on her coat and heading out the door, determined to meet a “Rock ’n’ Roll” band named The Tragically Hip, is deliciously absurd.
Anne Klisanich didn’t have a ticket to the show at a nearby arena, and she didn’t really have a clue who The Tragically Hip were. All she knew, because someone had told her, was that they had written a song about her older brother, Billie Barilko, though the Hip referred to him as “Bill” in the hockey anthem Fifty Mission Cap, a tune about the Toronto Maple Leafs legend scoring the Stanley Cup winning goal and then disappearing into the Northern Ontario bush while on a fishing trip.
“My mother told security she was Bill Barilko’s sister and that she wanted to meet the band and the security guard just laughed at her,” says her youngest son, Barry Klisanich. “He said, ‘Sure lady, right.’
“So my mother pulled out her birth certificate and showed it to the security guard and he took it inside and came back out and said, ‘The band would love to meet with you.’ ”
Full Article: National Post

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