Now For Plan A (song) - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/02/14 Toronto, ON
Debut: 2012/11/03 Chicago, IL
Album: Now For Plan A (2012)
Notes: Title track from the 2012 album. Was only play about once every 4 shows on the 'Now For Plan A Tour'. Sarah Harmer sings backing vocals on the album and she appeared with The Hip twice to perform the song near the end of the tour on 2013/02/04 Kingston, ON and 2013/02/14 Toronto, ON. Both of these appearances were during the encore.

Yea, I know I know I know
It's still not enough
Nothing short of everything
Nothing short of everything's enough
No matter how wide or how tough
Nothing short of everything's enough

Yea, I know I know I know
Now for Plan A
I'll stay til the wisteria fades
And falls on LA

No matter how high or how rough
Nothing short of everything's enough

In your face
The endless patience
The fleeting nature of life
On display
And nothing short of everything

I'll stay
Til the wisteria fades
The way it falls all over

Nothing short of everything
No matter how wide or how rough
Nothing short of everything's enough

Next song: The Modern Spirit
Previous song: Streets Ahead

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