You're Everywhere - Lyrics

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Last played: 2006/06/17 Lewiston, NY
Debut: 2003/08/01 Kelowna, BC
Notes: Only played 30 times in concert according to stats at and only once since the 2004 'In Between Evolution' tour. I caught 2003/09/06 show in Barrie, ON and was pretty excited about this 'new' song that I believe was introduced as "Ballroom". Would like to see this one dusted off...

You are everywhere, within and without
where it don't matter what we used to do now
where I feed my people when I get behind the plow
when I write the tiger hanging on by his eyebrows
somehow where the gang in me
is being all that it can be
somehow part hope is a plan
and part vigilante streak

When I reel my Irish in
when I sleep on the train
in straight lines through shadows you're there
where the future lies
under no moon at night
at the ballroom hanging you're there

You are there when I stop writing things down
and when I forget about who I am now
forget about who's kissing her who's behind my plow
now it's time to drown all of that poetry out
somehow where democracy
is how we all learn to sleep
with ourselves drawing to ourselves
everything we can carry

When I reel my Irish in
when I sleep in the rain
in straight lines through shadows you're there
where the future lies
under no moon at night
at the ballroom hanging you're there

There's no escaping this dream
We're dancing with no distractions

When I reel my Irish in
when I sleep on the plane
in straight lines through shadows you're there
where the future lies
under no moon at night
at a ballroom hanging you're there
you're everywhere

You're there
you're everywhere
You're there
you're everywhere

Next song: As Makeshift As We Are
Previous Song: If New Orleans Is Beat

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