Now For Plan A: Tour Stats & Observations Vol 2.

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The Tragically Hip Tour Stat Pack
(thru 2012/12/05 Spokane, WA)

Hey All,

We are through 16 shows.

Where's our Pigeon Camera (T-Shirt)? Click to see...

Total Appearances:

At Transformation - 16
Man Machine Poem - 16
Streets Ahead - 16
We Want To Be It - 16
Ahead By A Century - 15
Bobcaygeon - 14
Grace, Too - 14
At The Hundredth Meridian - 13
Goodnight Attawapiskat - 13
The Lookahead - 11
Courage - 11
Blow At High Dough - 10
Fully Completely - 10
Gift Shop - 10
My Music At Work - 10
Poets - 10
Fire In The Hole - 9
In View - 9
New Orleans Is Sinking - 9
Eldorado - 7
Escape Is At Hand For The Travellin' Man - 7
Greasy Jungle - 7
Nautical Disaster - 7
It Can't Be Nashville Every Night - 6
Little Bones - 6
Flamenco - 5
Gus: The Polar Bear From Central Park - 5
Now For Plan A - 5
Family Band - 4
Fiddler's Green - 4
Fifty Mission Cap - 4
Love Is A First - 4
Springtime In Vienna - 4
The Kids Don't Get It - 4
The Modern Spirit - 4
Wheat Kings - 4
An Inch An Hour - 3
Long Time Running - 3
Morning Moon - 3
Scared - 3
So Hard Done By - 3
The Rules - 3
Thompson Girl - 3
About This Map - 2
Coffee Girl - 2
Daredevil - 2
Don't Wake Daddy - 2
Fireworks - 2
Lake Fever - 2
Last Of The Unplucked Gems - 2
On The Verge - 2
Take Forever - 2

One-Timers So Far...

Boots or Hearts - 1
Done And Done - 1
It's A Good Life If You Don't Weaken - 1
Lionized - 1
Locked In The Trunk Of A Car - 1
Lonely End Of The Rink - 1
Three Pistols - 1
Thugs - 1
Yawning Or Snarling - 1

Bold = A 'Now For Plan A' song.

Set Openers:
At Transformation - 13
Grace, Too - 1
In View - 1
Man Machine Poem - 1

Set Closers:
Goodnight Attawapiskat - 12
Fire In The Hole - 2
Nautical Disaster - 1
Streets Ahead - 1

Encore Appearances:
32 different songs have appeared in the encore. There has been an average of 5.62 encore songs per show.
My Music At Work - 9
Bobcaygeon - 8
Courage - 7
Ahead By A Century - 6
At The Hundredth Meridian - 6
Grace, Too - 5
Little Bones - 5
Blow At High Dough - 4
Fiddler's Green - 4
We Want To Be It - 4
Fifty Mission Cap - 3
Nautical Disaster - 3
Wheat Kings - 3
An Inch An Hour - 2
Family Band - 2
Greasy Jungle - 2
Scared - 2
Daredevil - 1
Eldorado - 1
Fire In The Hole - 1
Fireworks - 1
Fully Completely - 1
Gift Shop - 1
Goodnight Attawapiskat - 1
Locked In The Trunk Of A Car - 1
Long Time Running - 1
Man Machine Poem - 1
Now For Plan A - 1
Poets - 1
Streets Ahead - 1
The Lookahead - 1
The Modern Spirit - 1


-61 different songs have been played played
-366 total songs have been played in 16 shows
-22.08 songs per show
-9 one-timers

Patterns are emerging. I expected a few more On The Verge's and Three Pistols by this point. The back half of the new album is getting no respect. Blow, NOIS, Courage, Grace, Bobcaygeon, ABAC et al are still flying at us fast and furious. The brakes have been put on In View. Thankfully. Now For Plan A (the song) has not been played in 7 shows. I'm depressed that The Depression Suite may not be in out future. Family Band can substitute for any of the above mentioned overplayed songs on any given night and nothing will be lost. Little Bones has been somewhat of a rarity and that's pretty cool. In Violet Light has been completely abandoned. Locked In The Trunk Of A Car is on the One Timer list through 16 shows. Who woulda thunk, eh? And finally, a list of songs that haven't yet, but still could be played this tour: Yer Not The Ocean, Emperor Penguin, 38 Years Old, Something On, Twist My Arm and Pigeon Camera. I love that both Greasy Jungle and 50MC have had a bit of a resurgence this tour. Hopefully that keeps up...

I welcome your thoughts...

To get an idea of what we did previously you can check out the Tragically Hip Tour Stats from The 2009 WATS Tour here: v.1 | v.2 | v.3 | v.4 | v.5

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The original content and digital art is provided by Tragically Hip Tour.  All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only. All lyrics and album art are reproduced here for reference and educational purposes only and they belong to the originally credited artist and label.

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