Streets Ahead - Lyrics

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Last played: 2013/02/14 Toronto, ON
Debut: 2012/02/16 Fort Albany, ON
Album: Now For Plan A (2012)

You were streets ahead
I couldn't sleep a wink
Staring in the dark
By the light of your skin
At myself sitting
On a suitcase
Or as the sleeping youth
In the upset sleigh

They don't wait they won't wait
They run with the weather
They don't wait

Listen you can hear
The sound of the sleigh
The panting of the team
Of all runners away
And all the gentle work
Of the traces
Their jingle-jangle jerk
Destroying all space

They won't wait they don't wait
They run with the weather
They don't wait
They don't wait they won't wait
Just stay together
They don't wait

Wait. Wait! Wait! Wait.
Please, just stay together

They don't wait they won't wait
They run with the weather
They don't wait
They don't wait they won't wait
Just stay together
They don't wait

Wait. Wait! Wait! Wait.
Please just stay together

Next song: Now For Plan A
Previous song: We Want To Be It

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